Alexander Technique blog-articles for you to read and understand

Alexander Technique can be confusing at first.What is it? How does it work? Is it the right application for me? I hope that the numerous articles in this Alexander Technique blog will be helpful in your search for knowledge.

Most humans are born with a thirst for knowledge. Alexander Technique isn’t the knowledge that you are looking for but it is the vehicle to drive  you towards the knowledge that you seek.

Click on any of the boxes below to be taken to some great information that may  quench your thirst or ignite your passion.

good posture

Alexander Technique and Posture

Achieve Better Posture with the Alexander Technique  Who wouldn't like great posture? After all posture reflects who we are, our mood, our...
Blue Mountains Alexander Technique

Manage your herniated disc

It’s called a “slipped disc”, a ‘bulging disc”  or a “herniated disc”. It means pretty much the same...
Alexander Technique semi-supine

Yoga and semi-supine

In yoga it’s called “savasana”. In Alexander Technique it’s called “semi supine” or “constructive...
Blue Mountains Alexander Technique

The Alexander Approach

The Alexander approach to human functioning. The Alexander approach to teaching provides you with the opportunity for making choice within your...
Alexander Technique for back pain relief

Alexander Technique for Back Pain.

If you have pains in your back, legs arms and neck that won’t go away, you are not alone. Over 4 million people in Australia or (16% of the...
Alexander Technique and scoliosis

Alexander Technique and scoliosis

Alexander Technique is an invaluable tool for anyone who suffers from scoliosis. Conventional treatment involves the sufferer wearing a brace....
Is Alexander Technique quackery?

Is Alexander Technique Quackery?

Is Alexander Technique Quackery?If you are developing an interest in Alexander Technique, it's good to gather information and understand what it is...