Blue Mountains Alexander Technique

What is the Alexander Technique?

• Alexander Technique describes a core pattern that you use subconsciously to organise and coordinate your activities. It’s often referred to as a “primary pattern” or a preparatory pattern. Your movement, breathing, posture, gait, in fact everything that you do is strongly influenced by that primary pattern.

• When issues arise that affect mobility, posture and performance of activities, your core pattern may be a contributor.

• Alexander Technique is the only method that teaches you to address your core movement pattern using a strategy called “Conscious Constructive Control”. Use this strategy to  create positive change so that you can move, breathe, work and play easily in collaboration with your natural human design.

• Blue Mountains Alexander Technique teachers have trained, over many years, to identify your core pattern and develop an individual plan with you for optimal wellbeing.


 Re-educate the core pattern that affects movement and action.


Using Alexander Technique  it is possible to re-educate your core pattern of movement. You will learn new concepts about your movement. You will become skilled at preventing inaccurate subconscious movement patterns that have been setting you wrong. New and conscious mental orders will set in motion the corect muscle sequences for correct performance of actions. You will learn to compare and discriminate between movement that disadvantages you and movement that is accurate and easy.

A constant issue unresolved

Massage, accupuncture, pain treatments, reflexology, osteopathy  are useful  ways to help yourself, but often they will only offer temporary relief. That’s because your old pattern will continue to discoordinate you in everything that you do. The pressures, crushes and twists and negative mindsets that you have habituated will stay constant and lead you back into your problem.

Address the underlying pattern

Alexander Technique is the only approach that teaches you to address this complex underlying pattern of human organisation through an education centred approach. By introducing conscious influence into the organisation of movement, thousands of people around the world have been able to align their movement, posture and activity towards a positive collaboration with their natural human design.  This can often resolve long standing issues. It can also, prevent the onset of movement and coordination issues.

Alexander Technique is not a treatment, however, it offers a sensible, evidence based way of learning about your body and mind in activity. It gives you the tools to prevent destructive habits and apply sensible filters about how you move in the world.

If you are interested in how Alexander Technique can help you there’s a lot of information on this website. You may also book a free 10 minute discovery call via zoom with Michael Shellshear [mAUSTAT. ATI. Adv Dip Alexander Technique] without obligation.

22 Mar
22 Mar 2025 10:00 - 15:00

Let's use Alexander Technique approaches and new skills to create an experience of you at your best. With the help of senior teacher, Michael, you'll quickly experience how you can apply conscious thoughts and get immediate benefits. Bring an activity, sport, musical instrument that you would like to work with or just come along and we'll work with walking, lifting, carrying, bending and so on.A small group class of no more than 8 allows you to ensure lots of hands on learning experience.Bring some lunch with you and let's sit on the manicured lawns and enjoy the Blue Mountains garden. Instructor: Michael Shellshear mAUSTAT.ATI. Michael is a senior Alexander Technique teacher who has been teaching the Alexander Technique since 1991. The workshop is from 10am until 3pm. The cost is $143 per person.  Concessions available call Michael on 0448 406 881. There will be a morning tea and a lunch break. Tea and coffee, cakes and gf treats provided. Limited places. Book now.

Blue Mountains Alexander Technique, 59 Leura Mall
LEURA, NSW 2780 Australia
+ Google Map

Michael and Jane Shellshear

Senior teachers with many years experience

Jane and Michael have been teaching Alexander Technique since the early 1990’s. That’s a lifetime of experience that we have gained from working with thousands of people.

Who your teacher is has a lot of influence on how you learn, how you identify with the subject and your level of enjoyment.

In your search for finding the teacher who will inspire you and help you develop, we hope that you will consider our teaching process.

The way that we teach, continually learn and live our life is as much about us as are our qualifications and our Alexander network. Have a read about our history of learning and accomplishment.

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Listen to a radio Interview with Michael and Robyn Cathchlove from Radio Blue Mountains

People often wish to hear Michael speak on Alexander Technique. Recently, I was interviewed on Radio Blue Mountains with local host Robyn Catchlove. Listen in to our conversation.

Alexander lessons<br />

Learning the Alexander Technique

We can help you find the right solution for your issues.

  • Try lessons that are tailored for you
  • Come to an introductory workshop
  • Learn at home online

What people say about their  Alexander learning experience

Become an Alexander Technique Teacher

Michael Shellshear from Blue Mountains Alexander Technique is an AUSTAT Approved Teacher Trainer.

People train with us because we offer comprehensive learning using flexible formats that fit in with your lifestyle.

Michael is one of the few Approved Teacher Trainers who offers online work, a course syllabus synchronised to the AUSTAT Standard  and flexible easy payment of fees in realistic chunks.

Discover how we offer a number of professionally oriented courses for practitioners of other modalities, for in-depth study and for full Alexander Technique teacher training.

Alexander Technique Articles

Blue Mountains Alexander Technique

The Alexander Approach

The Alexander approach to human functioning. The Alexander approach to teaching provides you with the opportunity for...